Opa! San Jose

1384 Lincoln Ave, San Jose , CA
(408) 998-8704
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2009 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - First Place

Best Moderately Priced Greek Restaurant

Opa!'s timing was great. It opened last fall just as a black hole of debt and greed on Wall Street threatened to drag down the rest of the world with it. But little Opa! offered a reasonably priced menu of Greek standards (and those not-so-standard but oh-so-good french fries topped with creamy feta cheese), that hit the spot but went easy on the wallet. Things went so well for Opa! they then opened a second location in Los Gatos. Recession? What recession.

2009 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - First Place

Best New Restaurant

Seems like there's always a party at Opa!, where laughter and the tinkling of glasses spill out onto the street from a packed house on a nightly basis. This is health food, Hellenic style: an abundance of fresh salads and shamelessly garlicky dips jostle with an array of tender souvlaki dishes on the menu. Goopy moussaka need not apply. A baklava-centric dessert menu makes resistance futile.
